Kibana visualize problem

My log Type:

log-level : [INFO ], status : [FAIL], client : [IPDC], cell : [1746710009], message_delivery_time : [2017-08-14 09:46:27,807], operator: [ROBI]
log-level : [INFO ], status : [SENT], client : [IPDC], cell : [1746710009], message_delivery_time : [2017-08-14 09:46:27,807], operator: [ROBI]
log-level : [INFO ], status : [FAIL], client : [Golden], cell : [1746710009], message_delivery_time : [2017-08-14 09:46:27,807], operator: [ROBI]
log-level : [INFO ], status : [SENT], client : [Golden], cell : [1746710009], message_delivery_time : [2017-08-14 09:46:27,807], operator: [ROBI]

my visualize data-table:

I wish visualize data-table:

anyone can help me?

I have been playing around with this - here is the sample data I loaded into Console:

POST /discuss-97863/log
  "status": "FAIL",
  "client": "IPDC",
  "message_delivery_time": "2017-08-14T09:46:27"

POST /discuss-97863/log
  "status": "SENT",
  "client": "IPDC",
  "message_delivery_time": "2017-08-14T09:46:27"

POST /discuss-97863/log
  "status": "FAIL",
  "client": "Golden",
  "message_delivery_time": "2017-08-14T09:46:27"

POST /discuss-97863/log
  "status": "SENT",
  "client": "Golden",
  "message_delivery_time": "2017-08-14T09:46:27"

While I don't have an answer - I am currently awaiting a response from the Visualization team to see how this can be accomplished.

I would like to create a visualize data-table to display on dashboard.

hi @abu.sayeed,

this is possible using the "sum bucket aggregation" and using a "Filter" on the desired value.

For the sample data of @tsmalley, this would look something like the below configuration in the data-table UI.

As for adding it to the Dashboard, save your Visualization using the "save" button on the top-right of Kibana, and then add it to a dashboard. You'll find more step-by-step information about that here as well:


You are right.
Thanks for helping me

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