Kibana visualize


I need help figuring out on how to make those data on the attached files into a graphical representation.


Hi Glenn, what kind of graphical representation are you hoping for? Can you provide an example? A good starting point might be to consider the various types of visualizations available through the Visualize app.

Either line, vertical or pie chart. I'd like to show the data based on my logs but I don't know how to grab those data specifically.

For instance, I'd like to count the "FrameCount", "ClockRenderTime", "TotalTaskRenderTime", and "JobAverageRenderTime" every time a new logs get ingested. This will give as a good metric\reporting from our render farm utilization. All these data are on the message field in kibana. Creating the graph doesn't show that message field.


Does anybody know how to create this graph from my data logs?


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