I have time series data of various head count values from various camera images.
Now I can visualize those data in Kibana by using line chart, X-axis is time and Y-axis is the value.
In the next step I want my user can click on those value points on the line chart and display the camera history images at that time. Is there a Kibana plugin or ELK app already can do this?
If I have to start from scratch, any suggestions to start with?
I have a jquery code with high chart library can do it (like this one) but now it seems I have to write my own plugin or app for this.
After some reading, I found maybe https://www.elastic.co/blog/kibana-4-1-field-formatters kind of suit my requirements. Not exactly what I am looking for but it can save a lot of time since Kibana 4.1 already support it.