Kibana (wazuh) not working right

Greetings all. I've ran into a problem with my Wazuh/Kibana setup. I can't quite pin point to when the issue occurred but it wouldn't surprise me if it was some update that caused it. I run Kibana on a VM that is centos based. I usually do updates via sudo yum update && sudo yum upgrade. For whatever reason searches for the past 24 hours produces no results.

I have read that you need to have filebeat setup but I don't think it ever was. I got the vm appliance from here: Virtual Machine - Installation guide · Wazuh 3.9 documentation

Anyways, what info do you need from me to better troubleshoot this? I'd greatly appreciate any input/info.

If you are using Wazuh you would need to disable the repositories for the Elastic Stack, the Wazuh Kibana App needs to match the Kibana version, if you ran yum update you may have updated Kibana, and it would break Wazuh. You will need to update Wazuh as also, but sometimes the Wazuh version is behind the last Elastic Stack version.

I think you will have more luck of getting help in the Wazuh Community.

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