Wazuh monitoring unable to work after upgrade

I was running the update recently, after the update my wazuh-monitoring does not work, no data coming in while wazuh-alerts has data.

May I know what could be the reason, it looks a bit strange. Thanks

How do I know which version of Wazuh is my wazuh-server am I running at?

Hi @skyluke.1987,

The problem might be that you aren't using the official Kibana distributable from Elastic. Feel free to create an issue with Wazuh to see why your data is no longer flowing.


Hi I remember I was installing the Kibana from repository, isn't it consider the official distribution from ES? Meanwhile I have opened a case, please feel free to contribute and comment: https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh/issues/4019

Oh dear, after I upgraded the ES and Kibana to version 7.3.2, and accidentally deleted all the indices and now unable to login and authenticate my connection to ES.

Please share the steps to revive this. Thanks !

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