KQL-related performance issue

I ran this test again and I think these results from the hot nodes are only for the autocomplete suggestion queries.

I'm unsure why the actual queries aren't showing up there, unless I'm reading that wrong. I'm using filebeat's ES module to send slowlog.json to a separate monitoring ES server and used this query: event.dataset:"elasticsearch.slowlog" and "kqlcustomer02" and host.name:(server01 or server02 or server03 or server04 or server05) where those hostnames are the hot nodes.

But then I went into my Kibana Advanced settings and set filterEditor:suggestValues to Off. And now all of my searches using KQL return lickety-split with no timeouts.

I don't suppose there is a way to limit those auto-suggest queries to the time range of the actual query? Otherwise, we will live without auto-suggest.

@Bargs, thank you very much for your time walking through this with me. It's greatly appreciated!