Latest value as a metric

Hello, I am trying to make a visualization which will have the values of a Term in the x axis and want to have the latest value of another field on the y axis. I searched and found some answers
here and here but my main problem using the GUI of Kibana at least, is that it totally lacks the Top Hit option as a metric (f.e. for a bar chart).

Is there something I am missing for me to be able to use the Top Hit metric? Is there a more recent or proper way of doing such a thing?

I should note that I not totally familiar with the console part of Kibana.

Which version of Kibana are you using? It's possible that Top Hit was introduced in a later version than you're using.

Kibana Version: 5.1.1
Build 14566, Commit SHA 85a6f4da

I installed through a semi automated way and I thought I had installed all the latestet (and greatest) (CentOS7 machine). As it seems this was not the case. I already upgraded. Thank you for the simple but to the point suggestion. Sometimes we miss the most obvious. although we know it

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