Lens not showing up fields which are searchable & aggregatable?

Hi i am trying to build a dashboard with lens, i have a index where 1 of the field is both marked as searchable & aggregatable but still it doesn't appear in the lens...

Here is the lens, even though the data is there it doesn't show up

I am using 7.8.0 Version, Note the fields appears in other visualisation

Hi, I work on Lens. Most of the time when the list of fields doesn't contain your field, it's because Lens wasn't able to find the field in the first 500 documents in the time range + filters. You can show the full list of fields by clicking "Filter by type" and disabling the checkbox that hides the empty fields. We have improved the UI for this in 7.9.0 if you want to upgrade.

I think it's most likely that your documents don't have values on the products field which the products.keyword is based on, but if you think that is wrong, then please provide some example documents

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