Hi, i'm using Kibana 5.4.
What could cause a simple line chart (Y-axis metrics: aggregation-count and x-axis bucket: Date Histogram) not extending through all the the dates of the year? As you can see the upper right date range is set from the beginning to the end of the year.
I have many documents in the index, each one with a date field, and dates go from january to december 2016. But chart keep showing only the first month.
"_index": "transazioni",
"_type": "prestito",
"_id": "AVxeodlrc9vbQ3Ftg9pO",
"_score": 1,
"_source": {
"titolo": "Il facilitatore",
"IDMEDIA": "150096595",
"IDENTE": "6",
"autore": "Rizzo, Sergio",
"IDUSER": "529922",
"@version": "1",
"host": "localhost",
"DATAINIZIO": "2016-01-06T20:42:05.000Z",
"IDSORGENTE": "94749",
"PID": 1,
"COD_CCE2": "JF",
"message": """2016-01-06 20:42:05,150096595,330,529922,6,1,50,94749,9,Feltrinelli Editore,Il facilitatore,"Rizzo, Sergio",F,J,JF,Narrativa e argomenti correlati,SocietĂ e scienze sociali,SocietĂ e cultura: argomenti d'interesse generale,1,0""",
"COD_CCE0": "F",
"COD_CCE1": "J",
"@timestamp": "2017-05-31T13:11:24.199Z",
"IDTIPO": "330",
"TITOLO0": "Narrativa e argomenti correlati",
"NOME": "Feltrinelli Editore",
"TITOLO2": "SocietĂ e cultura: argomenti d'interesse generale",
"TITOLO1": "SocietĂ e scienze sociali"