Lines joining in line graph - canvas


I seem to be getting some strange behaviour in canvas line graphs. When I do an elastic SQL for 30 days my chart looks like this:

My sql looks like this:

SELECT * FROM index WHERE QUERY('name:Splinter') AND date > TODAY() - INTERVAL '30' DAYS

Hey @samgs, can you post the expression as well?

Hi @tims,

Something really odd going on here.

| essql
query="SELECT * FROM index WHERE QUERY('name:Splinter') AND date >= TODAY() - INTERVAL '30' DAYS"
| pointseries x="date" y="sum(data)"
| plot defaultStyle={seriesStyle lines="1" bars="0"} xaxis=false yaxis=true
| render

Hey @samgs, that is odd, nothing that I can see in the query or expression that would cause that. Have you tried reducing or changing the date range? Maybe it's trying to render some wonky data.

Fixed this, noticed that the data wasnt being ordered by date.

Thanks for your help

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