List of Query DSL keywords and additional instructions


as i understood Query DSL has in line 1 of the Query spezial keywords that are not part of the JSON. JSON starts at line 2 of the Query and is only one JSON-Object accept BULK-Requests, where multiple JSON Object can follow.

I search for a List of all Keywords in DSL. So "POST", "GET", "PUT" should be in there for example. Additionally i search for a List of all instructions that can be added like "pretty"

Thanks - Enomine

The Elasticsearch Query DSL is a REST Based API so normal REST stuff applies

Here is the Official Documentation

Here are the search APIs

Here are the document APIs ... very useful

There are many other APIs for managing indices etc.

AND if you go into Kibana -> Dev Tools

The editor has full suggestion capabilities.

Also there a many many online tutorials / articles

Hope this helps!


thanks for your help.

I search for a list of reserved keywords for the first line (you tell its rest-syntax). So something like this: Reserved keywords | Elasticsearch Guide [8.4] | Elastic but for DSL.

It may be that there are keywords i could use but never saw until now.

If i hit STRG+Space in Kibana it shows GET, PUT, POST, DELETE and HEAD. Are these the only ones which that a first line can begin? Whats about a list of additional instructions like "pretty"?

I search for a syntax page, not for a "how to solve use-case xyz" =)

Thanks - Enomine

I do not think there is that list of reserved words...

YES - Normal REST Methods

?pretty is basic a normal / rest / json directive. If you are new to REST perhaps you should do a little reading on that.

?v verbose pretty normal

you can also do

?help on many commands to get help

Perhaps do a little reading on REST APIs in general....

There are extensive syntax and examples in our docs and across the web...

Example Syntax here syntax and examples here

The type ahead in the Kibana - Dev Tools can help guide you through the syntax

I do not know where the BNF notation for the DSL is or whether it exists

I think you are just going to need to "dig in" and get started, I would suggest getting familiar with our documentation ... Yes it is big and a lot :slight_smile: but you will be an expert in no time!

Yeah its too big, thats the problem. I engage on Elasticsearch since 15. march 2022 and am still a noob :wink:

It is a big framework... I am not used to dig into big frameworks. Have less expirience in that.

Thanks for your understanding and help.


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