How ElasticDSL connects with Elastic Search API?

I have a ElasticDSL Query with me. When I execute this query in console How it connects to SearchAPI in Elasticsearch and fetches the data. How the GET,POST methods are managed in Kibana to connect with ElasticSearch

Kibana Console enables you to interact with the REST API of Elasticsearch. Note: You cannot interact with Kibana API endpoints via Console.

Go to Dev Tools > Console to get started.

Console has two main areas:

  • The editor , where you compose requests to send to Elasticsearch.
  • The response pane, which displays the responses to the request.

Here you can issue your GET, POST methods to talk to ES .


Yes Correct. But when we do Full text search it is converted to DSL Query in Kibana. How that query connects with Elasticsearch to fetch data

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