Log view does not refresh if no filters exists


We have encountered a problem in kibana 6.6.0. When want to see live stream on logview having collecting logs from multiple environments the logview does not refresh. While we can see new logs coming into the logfiles those does not appear in kibana. However we can see them in discover and if we filter the logview to show only the required environment everything start working as expected.

Hi, are you seeing any errors printed in the web inspector console when refresh seems to stop working?

No, no errors in the web inspector console.

And to clarify, this does not happen in Discover as well? That is: if you have auto-refresh enabled in Discover, it shows new documents come in periodically?

Does the data have multiple timestamp fields?

Is the Logs UI showing the blue "loading" indicator at the bottom of the screen whenever you have "stream live" enabled? (When I was trying things out in 6.6.1 just now, I noticed that sometimes I needed to refresh the screen to see the indicator without having to scroll.)

If it seems to be a bug, please check in the Github to see if a similar issue has been filed, or feel free to open a new one: https://github.com/elastic/kibana/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3A"%3ALogs+UI"

That is correct it does not happen in Discover as well also has no more than one timestamp. The UI shows the blue loading however the last updated keeps increasing which mean no new logs are ingested. I have another environment which has 6.6.1 will check there as well.

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