Logstash imap plugin read a lot of Duplication email

version: logstash7.8.0 and elasticsearch7.8.0
When I use Logstash imap input plugin to read email from IMAP server,The elasticsearch recive many repeat email

this is logstash.conf

 input {
	imap {
	 	host => "imap.mailhost.com"
	 	user => "user@mailhost.com"
	 	password => "****"
	 	content_type => "text/plain"
	 	secure => true
	 	port => 993
	 	check_interval => 10
	 	folder => "Inbox"
output {
	stdout { codec => rubydebug }
 	elasticsearch {
 		index => "emails"
 		document_type => "_doc"
 		hosts => ""
		user => "elastic"
		password => "****"

When I perform "./bin/logstash -f logstash.conf “ ,meanwhile send a test email, I Can see many repeat email print in the console.

Please help me location the problem, Thanks.

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