I've protected elasticsearch using SHIELD and elasticsearch is prompting me
for credentials when trying to access using SENSE, or KIBANA as expected.
But It is not allowing me to create index using logstash. It show security
exception message,
Settings: Default filter workers: 2
←[31m[401] {"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"security_exception","reason":"missin
g authentication token for REST request [/_template/logstash]","header":{"WWW-Au
thenticate":"Basic realm="shield""}}],"type":"security_exception","reason":"mi
ssing authentication token for REST request [/_template/logstash]","header":{"WW
W-Authenticate":"Basic realm="shield""}},"status":401} {:class=>"Elasticsearch
::Transport::Transport::Errors::Unauthorized", :level=>:error}←[0m
My question is how do I send credentials so as to authenticate logstash?