Make metricbeat put out the same data as "GET _node/stats?"


I am trying to create a custom stack monitoring dashboard. Essentially I want to custom 'fake' the already existing stack monitoring.

I added metricbeat with the modules "elasticsearch" & "elasticsearch-xpack" & I am running metricbeat via cmd ".\metricbeat.exe -e".

I created a matching index pattern in kibana & want to start visualizing my data. Only problem is that the logs/data I receive from metricbeat are either wrong or incomplete.

I get all the data I need via the kibana console with the queries:

GET /_nodes/stats

GET /_cluster/stats

GET /metricbeat-7.6.0-2020.02.20-000001/_stats?pretty=true

GET /_cluster/health?pretty=true

GET /_cluster/pending_tasks

Can I configure metricbeat to deliver this data? Am I doing something wrong? I am at the end of my tether and do not know what I could change in my metricbeat configuration (yml + modules) to improve the situation. Any help is appreciated.

On a related issue: I ran "metricbeat -setup" and it cluttered my kibana with empty dashboards ... is there a way to get rid of this or even better run the setup again with specified dashboard options? E.g. I do not need dashboards for apache or kubernetes stuff.

I am only interested in monitoring my cluster/nodes.

Regards :slight_smile:

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