Matching a Dollar Sign with a Wildcard using KQL


Hoping you guys are safe and well
I'm trying to exclude any username that has $ at the end of it using Kibnana Query Language
I've done a lot of testing with the following, but it doesn't seem to work

and not *$

Is there anyway to achieve that? I've tried to escape the $ by using /$ or `$ but that's not working as well



Hey @hpicass0,

I think I'll need more information to help you.

I tried with the following dataset, and I was able to use the $ as part of a wildcard filter:

PUT /test
  "mappings": {
    "properties": {

PUT /test/_doc/1

PUT /test/_doc/2

PUT /test/_doc/3

PUT /test/_doc/4

PUT /test/_doc/5

PUT /test/_doc/6

PUT /test/_doc/7

Filter: not interface : *$

Are there potentially other parts of your query that are including this document? As a test, can you write your filter to only check against and no other field?

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