Metricbeat not able to display cpu status

Hello Team,

I'm using metricbeats but I'm not able to see the CPU status in kibana dashboards. Please let me know where I went wrong

You can see in the image. all the cpu stats are set to 0.

this is my system.yml file:

  • module: system
    period: 10s

    • cpu
      #- load
    • memory
    • network
    • process
    • process_summary
      #- core
      #- diskio
      #- socket
      processes: ['.*']
      by_cpu: 5 # include top 5 processes by CPU
      by_memory: 5 # include top 5 processes by memory
  • module: system
    period: 1m


    • drop_event.when.regexp:
      system.filesystem.mount_point: '^/(sys|cgroup|proc|dev|etc|host|lib)($|/)'
  • module: system
    period: 15m

    • uptime

Thanks for your time as always :slight_smile:

updated dashboard. able to see the cpu stats but not network traffic. any reason behind that?

Please do suggest

Thanks for your time as always :slight_smile:

Indeed in principle it should work. What version of Windows is this node using? Are you observing this issue with other nodes?

Thanks for the reply @jsoriano.
I've only one node and it's using windows 10.

Is there any wait time for Network Traffic to update?

Thank you much for your time:)

There shouldn't be any wait time, network metrics are collected from the very beginning.

Could you please check if you see any error in metricbeat logs? Could you also share the list of interfaces in your machine (e.g. the output of wmic nic get Caption,ServiceName)?

Also, just in case we are missing something in the formatting of the metricbeat configuration, could you share it again formatted as preformatted text? You can do it by selecting the text and clicking on the preformatted text button, or by enclosing the text with three backticks.

thank you @jsoriano.

There is no error in metricbeat logs.

Events are being publshed now. but not reflecting in kibana.

system.yml file:

- module: system
  period: 10s
    - cpu
    - load
    - memory
    - network
    - process
    - process_summary
    #- core
    #- diskio
    #- socket
  processes: ['.*']
    by_cpu: 5      # include top 5 processes by CPU
    by_memory: 5   # include top 5 processes by memory

- module: system
  period: 1m
    - filesystem
    - fsstat
  - drop_event.when.regexp:
      system.filesystem.mount_point: '^/(sys|cgroup|proc|dev|etc|host|lib)($|/)'

- module: system
  period: 15m
    - uptime

path: ${path.config}/modules.d/*.yml
reload.enabled: false

index.number_of_shards: 1
index.codec: best_compression
setup.dashboards.enabled: true


host: "localhost:5601"
hosts: ["localhost:9200"]

How are you checking that events are being published? can you check if the events contain network information? You should see them in the discovery tab, looking for metricset.module:system AND

thanks for your time @jsoriano

I deleted the index and restarted the metricbeat service. but now There is no index with the name metricbeat-*.

but I checked the mericbeat logs. events are being published. If you see the logs

2018-04-24T04:56:19.923Z	DEBUG	[publish]	pipeline/processor.go:275	Publish event: {

"@timestamp": "2018-04-24T04:56:19.923Z",
"@metadata": {
"beat": "metricbeat",
"type": "doc",
"version": "6.2.3"
"beat": {
"host": "EC2AMAZ-1763048",
"uuid": "91660025-6f14-4568-abd9-f067c108ff65",
"type": "metricbeat",
"version": "6.2.3",
"name": "EC2AMAZ-1763048"
"metrics": {
"libbeat": {
"config": {
"reloads": 1,
"module": {
"stops": 0,
"running": 0,
"starts": 0
"output": {
"type": "elasticsearch",
"events": {
"duplicates": 0,
"active": 0,
"batches": 0,
"total": 0,
"acked": 0,
"failed": 0,
"dropped": 0
"write": {
"bytes": 0,
"errors": 0
"read": {
"errors": 0,
"bytes": 0
"pipeline": {
"queue": {
"acked": 0
"clients": 0,
"events": {
"filtered": 0,
"published": 0,
"failed": 0,
"dropped": 0,
"retry": 0,
"active": 0,
"total": 0
"beat": {
"cpu": {
"system": {
"ticks": 250,
"time": 250
"total": {
"value": 312,
"ticks": 312,
"time": 312
"user": {
"ticks": 62,
"time": 62
"info": {
"ephemeral_id": "1846543e-d9e4-4285-b230-fd216db365da",
"uptime": {
"ms": 61534
"memstats": {
"gc_next": 4243856,
"rss": 63811584,
"memory_total": 12686560,
"memory_alloc": 3568968
"system": {
"cpu": {
"cores": 2
"xpack": {
"monitoring": {
"pipeline": {
"events": {
"filtered": 0,
"published": 5,
"failed": 0,
"dropped": 0,
"retry": 1,
"active": 0,
"total": 5
"queue": {
"acked": 5
"clients": 1

I've used the documentation to install and start the metricbeat. I have imported the dashboards anmd index as well. but not sure why index is not created.

Please Help :slight_smile:

But can you see the network events in Kibana discovery view?

Nope @jsoriano

If you can see here. I'm using X-pack but it's showing no data is received from beats.

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