Hi. I use Metricbeat to collect data from some Windows servers using perfmon. I'm in the process of upgrading Metricbeat from 7.16.0 to 8.13.0 and ran into a weird issue where the output has an "error.message" field saying "failed to query=", but the document has the value the item that it says it failed on. I'm not sure why that is occurring and I don't get the error messages with v7.16. Has anyone ran into this issue or knows why it could be occurring. Thanks.
My process for upgrading was the following:
- Stop the metricbeat service
- Use the powershell script to uninstall the metricbeat service
- Rename the existing metricbeat folder
- Download and extract metricbeat 8.13.0
- Copy my metricbeat.yml file from the old installation folder to folder for the new installation
- Copy my windows.yml settings from the old installation to the modules.d folder in the new installation
- Use the powershell script to install the new metricbeat service
- Start the metric beat service.
This is what my windows.yml file looks like:
- module: windows
metricsets: [perfmon]
period: 15s
perfmon.ignore_non_existent_counters: true
perfmon.group_measurements_by_instance: true
#System Performance
- object: "Processor"
instance: "*"
- name: "% Processor Time"
field: processor_time_pct
- object: "Memory"
- name: "Available MBytes"
field: memory_available_mbytes
- object: "Paging File"
instance: "_Total"
- name: "% Usage"
field: pagefile_usage_pct
- object: "PhysicalDisk"
instance: "*"
- name: "Disk Writes/sec"
field: physical_disk_write_per_sec
- name: "Disk Reads/sec"
field: physical_disk_read_per_sec
- name: "Avg. Disk sec/Write"
field: physical_disk_write_avg_per_sec
- name: "Avg. Disk sec/Read"
field: physical_disk_read_avg_per_sec
#SQL Server
- object: "SQLServer:General Statistics"
- name: "User Connections"
field: sqlserver_general_staistics_user_connections
- object: "SQLServer:Databases"
instance: "*"
- name: "Transactions/sec"
field: sqlserver_databases_tranactions_per_sec
- object: "SQLServer:Buffer Manager"
- name: "Page life expectancy"
field: sqlserver_buffer_manager_page_life_expectancy
- object: "SQLServer:Memory Manager"
- name: "Memory Grants Pending"
field: sqlserver_memory_manager_memory_grants_pending
This is an example of the "memory available" output from metricbeat:
"@timestamp": "2024-03-28T18:36:15.384Z",
"@metadata": {
"beat": "metricbeat",
"type": "_doc",
"version": "8.13.0"
"ecs": {
"version": "8.0.0"
"host": {
"name": "server",
"hostname": "server",
"architecture": "x86_64",
"os": {
"kernel": "10.0.14393.6795 (rs1_release.240226-1752)",
"build": "14393.6796",
"type": "windows",
"platform": "windows",
"version": "10.0",
"family": "windows",
"name": "Windows Server 2016 Standard"
"id": "016f9785-5491-4884-9e5b-6aa4d77249fe",
"ip": [
"mac": [
"agent": {
"version": "8.13.0",
"ephemeral_id": "8e312c94-4bd2-4fbf-8bc8-cbd009262e01",
"id": "ed6468c8-1d3b-41ad-aaad-7daf19dc7a4a",
"name": "server",
"type": "metricbeat"
"service": {
"type": "windows"
"windows": {
"perfmon": {
"object": "Memory",
"instance": "Memory",
"metrics": {
"memory_available_mbytes": 2229
"error": {
"message": "failed on query=\\\\server\\Memory\\Available MBytes: %!w(<nil>)"
"event": {
"duration": 2802996600,
"dataset": "windows.perfmon",
"module": "windows"
"metricset": {
"period": 15000,
"name": "perfmon"