Micrometer metrics not showing on Kibana

Hello, everyone.

We are trying to make our Micronaut app push metrics to our APM server without using a Java agent. For that we are using this Elasticsearch Registry as the Micrometer metrics reporter.

This lib first creates a legacy index template, if it doesn't already exists, and then starts pushing bulk metrics to Elasticsearch through POST /micrometer-metrics-2023-05/_bulk with the following body:

{ "create" : {} }
{ "create" : {} }
{ "create" : {} }
{ "create" : {} }
{ "create" : {} }
{ "create" : {} }
{ "create" : {} }
{ "create" : {} }
{"@timestamp":"2023-05-22T17:22:30.153Z","name":"jvm_memory_used","type":"gauge","area":"nonheap","id":"Compressed Class Space","value":9886992.0}
{ "create" : {} }
{ "create" : {} }
{ "create" : {} }
{ "create" : {} }
{ "create" : {} }
{ "create" : {} }
{ "create" : {} }
{ "create" : {} }
{"@timestamp":"2023-05-22T17:22:30.153Z","name":"jvm_buffer_count","type":"gauge","id":"mapped - 'non-volatile memory'","value":0.0}
{ "create" : {} }
{"@timestamp":"2023-05-22T17:22:30.153Z","name":"jvm_memory_committed","type":"gauge","area":"heap","id":"G1 Old Gen","value":6.5011712E7}
{ "create" : {} }
{ "create" : {} }
{"@timestamp":"2023-05-22T17:22:30.153Z","name":"jvm_memory_used","type":"gauge","area":"nonheap","id":"CodeHeap 'non-profiled nmethods'","value":2413312.0}
{ "create" : {} }
{ "create" : {} }
{ "create" : {} }
{"@timestamp":"2023-05-22T17:22:30.153Z","name":"jvm_memory_committed","type":"gauge","area":"heap","id":"G1 Eden Space","value":9.2274688E7}
{ "create" : {} }
{"@timestamp":"2023-05-22T17:22:30.153Z","name":"jvm_gc_pause","type":"timer","action":"end of minor GC","cause":"Metadata GC Threshold","count":0,"sum":0.0,"mean":0.0,"max":0.0}
{ "create" : {} }
{"@timestamp":"2023-05-22T17:22:30.153Z","name":"jvm_memory_max","type":"gauge","area":"heap","id":"G1 Eden Space","value":-1.0}
{ "create" : {} }
{ "create" : {} }
{ "create" : {} }
{ "create" : {} }
{"@timestamp":"2023-05-22T17:22:30.154Z","name":"jvm_memory_committed","type":"gauge","area":"nonheap","id":"Compressed Class Space","value":1.0027008E7}
{ "create" : {} }
{ "create" : {} }
{ "create" : {} }
{"@timestamp":"2023-05-22T17:22:30.154Z","name":"jvm_memory_max","type":"gauge","area":"nonheap","id":"CodeHeap 'profiled nmethods'","value":1.22908672E8}
{ "create" : {} }
{"@timestamp":"2023-05-22T17:22:30.154Z","name":"jvm_memory_committed","type":"gauge","area":"nonheap","id":"CodeHeap 'profiled nmethods'","value":8454144.0}
{ "create" : {} }
{ "create" : {} }
{ "create" : {} }
{ "create" : {} }
{ "create" : {} }
{ "create" : {} }
{ "create" : {} }
{ "create" : {} }
{"@timestamp":"2023-05-22T17:22:30.154Z","name":"jvm_memory_max","type":"gauge","area":"nonheap","id":"Compressed Class Space","value":1.073741824E9}
{ "create" : {} }
{ "create" : {} }
{ "create" : {} }
{"@timestamp":"2023-05-22T17:22:30.154Z","name":"jvm_memory_used","type":"gauge","area":"heap","id":"G1 Eden Space","value":5.0331648E7}
{ "create" : {} }
{ "create" : {} }
{ "create" : {} }
{ "create" : {} }
{ "create" : {} }
{ "create" : {} }
{ "create" : {} }
{"@timestamp":"2023-05-22T17:22:30.154Z","name":"jvm_memory_max","type":"gauge","area":"nonheap","id":"CodeHeap 'non-profiled nmethods'","value":1.22908672E8}
{ "create" : {} }
{"@timestamp":"2023-05-22T17:22:30.154Z","name":"jvm_memory_used","type":"gauge","area":"heap","id":"G1 Survivor Space","value":2336912.0}
{ "create" : {} }
{"@timestamp":"2023-05-22T17:22:30.154Z","name":"jvm_memory_used","type":"gauge","area":"nonheap","id":"CodeHeap 'non-nmethods'","value":1345536.0}
{ "create" : {} }
{"@timestamp":"2023-05-22T17:22:30.154Z","name":"jvm_gc_pause","type":"timer","action":"end of minor GC","cause":"G1 Evacuation Pause","count":0,"sum":0.0,"mean":0.0,"max":0.0}
{ "create" : {} }
{ "create" : {} }
{ "create" : {} }
{ "create" : {} }
{"@timestamp":"2023-05-22T17:22:30.154Z","name":"jvm_buffer_memory_used","type":"gauge","id":"mapped - 'non-volatile memory'","value":0.0}
{ "create" : {} }
{"@timestamp":"2023-05-22T17:22:30.154Z","name":"jvm_memory_used","type":"gauge","area":"nonheap","id":"CodeHeap 'profiled nmethods'","value":8445312.0}
{ "create" : {} }
{"@timestamp":"2023-05-22T17:22:30.154Z","name":"jvm_memory_max","type":"gauge","area":"heap","id":"G1 Old Gen","value":4.160749568E9}
{ "create" : {} }
{ "create" : {} }
{ "create" : {} }
{"@timestamp":"2023-05-22T17:22:30.154Z","name":"jvm_memory_max","type":"gauge","area":"nonheap","id":"CodeHeap 'non-nmethods'","value":5840896.0}
{ "create" : {} }
{ "create" : {} }
{ "create" : {} }
{ "create" : {} }
{ "create" : {} }
{ "create" : {} }
{ "create" : {} }
{ "create" : {} }
{ "create" : {} }
{ "create" : {} }
{"@timestamp":"2023-05-22T17:22:30.154Z","name":"jvm_buffer_total_capacity","type":"gauge","id":"mapped - 'non-volatile memory'","value":0.0}
{ "create" : {} }
{"@timestamp":"2023-05-22T17:22:30.154Z","name":"jvm_memory_committed","type":"gauge","area":"nonheap","id":"CodeHeap 'non-nmethods'","value":2555904.0}
{ "create" : {} }
{"@timestamp":"2023-05-22T17:22:30.154Z","name":"jvm_memory_committed","type":"gauge","area":"heap","id":"G1 Survivor Space","value":4194304.0}
{ "create" : {} }
{ "create" : {} }
{ "create" : {} }
{"@timestamp":"2023-05-22T17:22:30.154Z","name":"jvm_memory_used","type":"gauge","area":"heap","id":"G1 Old Gen","value":1.6160256E7}
{ "create" : {} }
{ "create" : {} }
{ "create" : {} }
{"@timestamp":"2023-05-22T17:22:30.155Z","name":"jvm_memory_max","type":"gauge","area":"heap","id":"G1 Survivor Space","value":-1.0}
{ "create" : {} }
{ "create" : {} }
{ "create" : {} }
{ "create" : {} }
{ "create" : {} }
{"@timestamp":"2023-05-22T17:22:30.155Z","name":"jvm_memory_committed","type":"gauge","area":"nonheap","id":"CodeHeap 'non-profiled nmethods'","value":2555904.0}
{ "create" : {} }
{ "create" : {} }
{ "create" : {} }
{ "create" : {} }

I can visualize the newly created index template and found the documents on Kibana by creating a data view with the index pattern micrometer-*, but all of them are shown containing only 3 fields: _id, _index, _version and _score. Not even the @timestamp field is shown. Example:

  "_index": "micrometer-metrics-2023-05",
  "_id": "eOMRRYgBzmpw9hGxlYXM",
  "_version": 1,
  "_score": 0

I've tried adding each field manually on the data view, but didn't work.
Our final goal is to make these metrics shown in the APM UI, but we are struggling to make them appear even on Kibana.

Could you guys point me some direction? Is there any configuration I must do to work with legacy index template on Elastic version 8.5.1?

It turned out the _source field was disabled in my index template. I enabled it and recreated the index, and now the remaining fields are shown in Kibana.

The challenge now is to make these metrics appear in the APM UI.

They will not show in the APM UI (or more correctly without significant work)
The APM UI is a curated experience and expects fields to be in certain indices and fields, with certain correlation fields etc.
Also it seems that you are missing the container, host, VM fields which I would expect to see else how are the metrics attributed?

If you had JVM or host field it would be pretty easy to just build a dashboard...

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