Missing _meta field in mapping [doc] of index[watches] & [.triggered_watches]

I just updated my cloud elastic stack from 6.8.23 to 7.17.2 using the cloud.elastic.co dashboard and all went well but I have now some WARNs in the log section of the dashboard:
[instance-0000000010] Missing _meta field in mapping [doc] of index [.watches], assuming mappings update required
[instance-0000000010] Missing _meta field in mapping [doc] of index [.triggered_watches], assuming mappings update required
Those two lines keep comming every few minuts.
I presume this have to deal with watcher but I can't remember setting them.
Here are the configured watchers I can see

Any help on how to "update mapping" as recommended by the log ?

Looks like the workarround in Index migration to 7.17.1 doesnt create _meta field for .watches and .triggered_watches indices · Issue #84880 · elastic/elasticsearch · GitHub did work.

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