Unable to create new index [.watches-6-reindexed-for-8] because it would match composable template [.watches]


when trying to migrate system indices to ES 8.x, I get the following error:

unable to create new index [.watches-6-reindexed-for-8] because it would match composable template [.watches] full output

We are currently using ES 7.17.10 with the "basic" license, e.g. "watcher" is not usable anyway. The installation was updated multile times from earlier ES versions in the past.

It would seem that somehow we have some leftover v6 watcher indices and mappings, specifically:

# mappings
"name": ".triggered_watches",
        "format": "6",
"name": ".watch-history-12",
        "format": "6",
"name": ".watch-history-13",
        "format": "6
"name": ".watches",
        "format": "6",

# indices 

It seems that despite watcher not being available in the basic version, the .watch-history-XX indices still get filled with some data.

Do you think it would be safe to delete the mappings and/or indices, or have any other ideas on how to get rid of the old v6 artifacts?

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