Missing repodata/filelists.xml in yum repo causes repo sync to fail

Created a topic as well before I saw this one.

This was my post (will delete the other thread):

Since recently the repository of version 8 cannot be reached from RedHat Satellite (issues reported with 6.11, 6.15 and 6.16). This is already mentioned in this topic:
Apt repo change? "E: Repository 'https://artifacts.elastic.co/packages/8.x/apt stable InRelease' changed its 'Origin' value from 'elastic' to 'Artifactory'" - #16 by Tuckson but since the original question of this topic was solved, and no more reactions were given, I thought it better to open a new topic. Multiple users reported this issue.

RedHat Satellite is widely known with companies as the primairy way to maintain and provision their RedHat systems. It currently is on version 6.16 which is not to be confused with rhel6 . My Satellite 6.16.runs on rhel9 .

Other users reported in the topic mentioned above:

sobjerkeSvein Olav Bjerkeset


It seems to still be a problem with the upstream repositories. We have the same issue from Satellite 6.15 on RHEL8 and Satellite 6.16 on RHEL9. The following URLs all return 404 (Not Found):


Testing the URLs with cURL gives the same 404 error code.



Similar issue with salt/saltstack was solved by enabling the "Enable File List Indexing" option on the upstream Artifactory rpm repo: Unable to create local mirror of saltstack repo, due to filelists.xml not being available · Issue #67032 · saltstack/salt · GitHub
Not sure if it is the issue here, but seems to be very similar.

Svein Olav Bjerkeset


The following URL works via cURL:

But: The repomd.xml file has no entry for data type="filelists" which seems to be expected by Red Hat Satellite server.

sobjerkeSvein Olav Bjerkeset


Also note that we have had the 8.x yum repo working with Satellite 6.16 until a week or two ago, so there must have been some changes to the upstream repository that causes the repository sync to fail now.

Please fix this since it blocks us from installing and upgrading on our systems. Also note that I found no problems with the version 7 repo.