ML Anomaly Job with exclude_frequent option

Hello everyone,

i was reading through the docs and became curious

Say i create two detectors.
One detector is high_sum(a) over b
The other detector is high_sum(a) by c.

Now, if i define exclude_frequent = over for the first detector, then it will exclude frequently occurring values in b from triggering anomalies completely?

Consequently, it would make no sense to define exclude_frequent = over with the second detector high_sum(a) by c since over_field is empty?
Thus in case of high_sum(a) by c we would need to set exclude_frequent = by to make it exclude frequent values in c from triggering anomalies?

Am i understanding this correctly?

First and foremost, you should probably understand the major differences in using the over field versus using a split field like by or partition. Using the over field results in a population analysis (comparing entities against the population) which is much different than the normal temporal analysis (comparing an entity against its own history).

See: Temporal vs. Population Analysis in Elastic Machine Learning | Elastic Blog

Secondly, the use of exclude_frequent predated the creation of Filters in Custom Rules, which give you more flexibility and control on what gets excluded.

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