ML multimetric job

Hi, I am creating a multi metric job- because I want to check if there are no application data sent. We send the application directly to Elasticsearch in form of Datastreams.
The logs have different fields like application components and hangfirejobIDs for different environments. I was trying to create a multimetric job to with influencers fields as hangfirejobID and environment as we want to check only for PROD environment and if for that environment the job hasnt run at all--- I dont get any logs flowing in-and then I should be notified via alert that the job isnt running. '

But I a not able to select specific job and specific environment for the same. Could you please help me with that as there is no option in alert rule to filter any field.

Also why cant I chose two metrics in influencer section

Hi! Please share the specific configuration of your multi-metric job!