Model timeseries using a date range

I'm wondering if anyone knows a way to model a timeseries, either by using kibana visualize or timelion, using a date range. I.e. the aggregated "count" for a specific date X should be a sum of the datapoints with a time starts<X<ends.
Grateful for any help

Unless I am misunderstanding, this is what Kibana does natively using aggregations.

Then I must be misunderstanding something.
My scenario is as following: Each datapoint is a license with a life-length, from date "STARTS" to date "ENDS". I would like to model, preferably using the line visualisation tool, across time the amount of "active" licenses. I.e. every point on the x-axis is the amount of "active" licenses at that date. However in the line visualisation tool I can only pick one date if I'm understanding it correctly? (in x-axis using Date Range aggregation).

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