Module variable cannot be overriden

I'm trying to create a new FileBeat (6.1.0) module in the following way:

- module: marina
enabled: true
var.myEnv: target

module_version: "1.0"
- name: myEnv
default: none
- name: paths
- "E:\Sources\marina\server\{{.myEnv}}\logs\LocalMarina.log"

When starting the FileBeat, I can see in its output:
2017/12/28 12:51:12.263410 cfgfile.go:143: DBG [cfgfile] Load config from file: E:\Tools\filebeat-6.1.0-windows-x86_64\modules.d\marina.yml
2017/12/28 12:51:12.264410 reload.go:170: DBG [cfgfile] Number of module configs found: 1
2017/12/28 12:51:12.265410 reload.go:198: DBG [cfgfile] Remove module from stoplist: 5549035247416958606
2017/12/28 12:51:12.266410 reload.go:203: DBG [cfgfile] Add module to startlist: 5549035247416958606
2017/12/28 12:51:12.268410 processor.go:49: DBG [processors] Processors:
2017/12/28 12:51:12.269410 config.go:178: DBG [prospector] recursive glob enabled
2017/12/28 12:51:12.270410 prospector.go:120: DBG [prospector] exclude_files: [(?-s:.)gz(?-m:$) (?-s:.)zip]. Number of stats: 0
2017/12/28 12:51:12.271411 prospector.go:141: DBG [prospector] Prospector with previous states loaded: 0
2017/12/28 12:51:12.271411 prospector.go:111: DBG [prospector] File Configs: [E:\Sources\marina\server\none\logs\LocalMarina.log]

Why FileBeat replaces {{.myEnv}} with none?

UPD. Sorry for wrong identation in the config files - the forum's editor doesn't work properly in my Chrome, I suppose.

UPD2. Note that I actually CAN override a variable - it works for var.paths, for example. But when the var.paths contains a reference to another variable that is overriden - it doesn't work properly.

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