Most of the documents on elasticsearch are old

Most of the documents are referring to old versions of elasticsearch, can some please share some documents that can be helpful in implementing elasticsearch. Documents like the basic architecture and things to be taken care while going to production

Even though the definitive guide is for 2.X, it's still relevant.

I am talking about 5.3.*, can I use it as primary database

Elasticsearch Resiliency Status | Elastic is the up to date answer for that:

Some customers use Elasticsearch as a primary datastore, some set-up comprehensive back-up solutions using features such as our Snapshot and Restore, while others use Elasticsearch in conjunction with a data storage system like Hadoop or even flat files. Elasticsearch can be used for so many different use cases which is why we have created this page to make sure you are fully informed when you are architecting your system.

We provide the details, but the final decision is very dependent on the use-case, so that is for you to decide.

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