Move index to data warm manually


i can move a index from data hot to datawarm manullay with command rsync in linux from /var/lib/elasticsearch/nodes/uid(index) if the api ilm/_move cant' work ?


No. Never ever do anything directly with files in thr Elasticsearch data pat, always use APIs.


i try the api and this is the result


Are you trying to move the index that is currently being indexed into?


no the index is stop writing i have another index created by the api _rollover

the size of index is 1.2tb



I searched in the /var/lib/elasticsearch/nodes directory with the UUID of the index, but I couldn't find it there. However, when I searched in the datawarm directory, I found the index.

To summarize, the index you were looking for is located in the datawarm directory, and its current phase is "hot."

Elasticsearch does not create directory named datawarm, warm and hot are node roles.

What does the in elasticsearch.yml looks like for this node?

Also, never move indices file in the directories.


no my node called datawarm and the node.roles is data_warm


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