Mulltiple instance of kibana with same download tar folder by providing separate config/kibana.yml file path


Is there any way to run multiple instance of kibana on same machine via tar file by providing the different kibana.yml config file path? Instead of downloading the multiple kibana folder.

Kibana Version: 7.7

Yes, if you are starting Kibana from the command line, you can pass in a config path as a argument:

./bin/kibana -h
Usage: kibana

-e, --elasticsearch URI          Elasticsearch instance
-c, --config PATH                Path to config file
-p, --port PORT                  Kibana port
-q, --quiet                      Turns off logging
-H, --host HOST                  Kibana host
-v, --version                    Display version
    --plugins                    Path to the folder to scan for plugins
-h, --help                       Display this screen

My advice is:

  1. To have 2 instances run from the same install directory, there should be 2 config files located in the config directory in root of the the install path: a separate file for each instance. (For example, kibana-a.yml and kibana-b.yml.)

  2. Each YML file should have a unique, non-default setting. See:

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Thanks... Its works well.

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