Hello ES Forum,
I'm currently searching for any documentation to this effect but is it possible to do the following:
A single web server hosting multiple different websites (multi-tenant) that would require one installation of Elasticsearch BUT keep all search data (indicies, nodes etc) separate for each site?
Worse yet each website would have the similar index information so ideally I would need to keep all site data "seperate" so as a) not to overwrite anything b) allow different clients to see each other's indexed documents which would lead to confusion.
Basically I've only read (so far) that there is a 1:1 ratio of website to ES installation. So only 1 website per web server per Elasticsearch installation. Is that right?
Or is it possible to have multiple separate sites on 1 web server with multiple "separate" ES clusters/nodes etc.
Would this involve individual ports 9200, 9300, 9400 for each separate ES cluster?
Or am I over thinking this and each clustername is that separate "instance"
Apologies if I'm misusing terms here but I'm having difficulty understanding the ratios here.
Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
{EDIT} It appears this might be possible. Can anyone expound on this as well? Can I run multiple Elasticsearch nodes on the same machine?
So with differently named ES instances indicated in yml files, different clusternames, explicit port numbers for each node so that they are predictable (eg. http.port and transport.tcp.port) is that the way to multi-tenant?