Multiple Data Formats in TSVB causes display raw value


I recently upgraded to elastic stack 7.15 and one of my TSVB visualizations seems to have broke.

the problem seems to come from adding a second type of data format to the graph see here the working graph ( using the same data formatter just to make it work as expected which is 0.0bitd )

And see here when the data formatter is correctly set to percentage

Hi @Andrew22 It's not clear to what extent the visualization is "broken" but from looking at the screenshots, the differences between the two lie in the format for the y-axes.

This could come from a few places:

  • The index patterns field formats are not the same before and after the upgrade
  • The defaults for the TSVB graphs might have changed.

Either using dev tools for the field mapping or the UI in Stack Management > Index patterns, are there any chances in the fields' mapping? If there are, you probably want to re-apply the original formats you had prior to the upgrade.

If that's not the cause, then make sure that all the settings you had applied to the TSVB vis have carried over after the upgrade.

I hope that helps!

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