Multiple Filebeat processes running after install on Windows VM

installed 7.5.0 version of filebeat on windows VM. after a successful install, noticed that filebeat.exe was running in background when looking at running processes but I had not started service yet.
i confirmed that there was not another install in place and that the process was indeed pointing to the correct installed location. started the service and observed 2 running processes (pointing to same location) running. ECE admin reached out to me and asked if we had 2 instances running on that server as you would expect.
Can someone shed some light on this for me?


Did you reboot your machine after the installation? If yes, then this might be the cause. Anyway, since many things might have happened I would suggest to kill the processes and just continue with Start/Stop the service from now on.


yes, rebooting will resolve the issue based on my testing. however, we are deploying this to a couple thousand machines. rebooting to solve is probably not an option at least initially.

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