Multiple folders inside nodes folder

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.2 (Maipo)
elasticsearch 2.1.1

Inside the path
there are two folders namely "0" and "1"

Why there are two folders ??
By nodes, I understand the physical server, how is that folder "1" is created
Secondly, elasticsearch is showing indices from "1" folder and not "0" folder. Why is that so ??
If I need, elasticsearch to use "0" folder , can I just delete "1" folder. Will that help ??

My elasticsearch was showing all the indices from "0" folder earlier, although I was having shards failed exception for some indices, So I restarted elasticsearch and now it is referencing indices from "1" folder

This means that you had two nodes running at the same time at some point, the nodes/1/ directory is from the second node. This was due to a bad default value for node.max_local_storage_nodes to permit multiple nodes to share the same data directory. This is fixed in 5.0.0, the default is now 1.

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