Multiple trees in one vizualization

I made quite simple tree visualization in Vega. I would like to made multiple trees in one vizualization grouped by "group" value - for example if I add another value
{"id": 3595, "name": "Vytvořit povinné pohyby", "group": 2},
I should get 2 different trees in one visualization. Is it even possible ??? I tried Barley Trellis Plot but has not been succesfull

{ "$schema": "",
  "padding": 100,
  "signals": [
      "name": "labels",
      "value": "id",
      "bind": {"input": "radio", "options": ["id", "name"]}
      "name": "layout",
      "value": "tidy",
      "bind": {"input": "radio", "options": ["tidy", "cluster"]}
      "name": "links",
      "value": "diagonal",
      "bind": {
        "input": "select",
        "options": ["line", "curve", "diagonal", "orthogonal"]
  "data": [
      "name": "tree",
      "values": [
        {"id": 1427, "name": "Změnit evidenční skupinu", "group": 1},
        {"id": 488, "name": "Vytvořit pohyb", "parent": 1427, "group": 1},
        {"id": 30, "name": "Zaúčtování pohybů", "parent": 488, "group": 1},
        {"id": 3224, "name": "Generování pohybů", "parent": 488, "group": 1},
        {"id": 537, "name": "Generovat plán odpisů", "parent": 30, "group": 1},
        {"id": 3595, "name": "Vytvořit povinné pohyby", "parent": 1427, "group": 1},
      "transform": [
        {"type": "stratify", "key": "id", "parentKey": "parent"},
          "type": "tree",
          "method": {"signal": "layout"},
          "size": [{"signal": "height"}, {"signal": "width - 100"}],
          "as": ["y", "x", "depth", "children"]
      "name": "links",
      "source": "tree",
      "transform": [
        {"type": "treelinks"},
          "type": "linkpath",
          "orient": "horizontal",
          "shape": {"signal": "links"}
  "scales": [
      "name": "color",
      "type": "linear",
      "range": {"scheme": "blues"},
      "domain": {"data": "tree", "field": "depth"},
      "zero": true
  "marks": [
      "type": "path",
      "from": {"data": "links"},
      "encode": {
        "update": {"path": {"field": "path"}, "stroke": {"value": "#ccc"}}
      "type": "symbol",
      "from": {"data": "tree"},
      "encode": {
        "enter": {"size": {"value": 50}, "stroke": {"value": "#fff"}},
        "update": {
          "x": {"field": "x"},
          "y": {"field": "y"},
          "fill": {"scale": "color", "field": "depth"}
      "type": "text",
      "from": {"data": "tree"},
      "encode": {
        "enter": {"fontSize": {"value": 15}, "baseline": {"value": "middle"}},
        "update": {
          "text": {"signal": "labels==='id' ? :"},
          "x": {"field": "x"},
          "y": {"field": "y"},
          "dx": {"value": 7},
          "align": {"value": "left"}

cc @nyuriks

I can link you to similar multiple tree view in Vega : Kibana Vega - Multiple Buckets visualization - how?!msg/vega-js/Q2XrYMOVluw/sHlRxtk1DQAJ

Hope this helps, if not revert back, and will try more options.

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Hallo Rashmi
I totally love your solution with time axe. Thank you for it.
I managed to adapt it for my needs, but there is one point that needs to be included.

One function can run multiple times in choosen time period. And it can be connected to various different functions, but this connection is based on threadId and should be considered.

Best regards Misa

Do you mind opening an enhancement request with your needs Misa,


Hey Rashmi
I managed to change your script to fullfill my needs - just change formula in data_links part. Thank you for your willingness and help.
Much appreciate it

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