My Elastic search and Kibana functionalities are not working after container restart , i need to recreate the entire setup again to configure logs and apm,

Hi, Actually we are running Elasticsearch and Kibana as a Docker container and then we connect to our cluster. actually the problem is when we are patching the servers , our running elastic and Kibana container gets restarted. then we are unable to open Kibana console ,but the container is up and running. so we are recreating the container and configure the setup from start to end everytime. so kindly help me to fix this issue .

Hi @devops_yorosis,

Welcome to the community! We need a bit more information to figure out the cause of your issue:

  1. Which version of Elasticsearch are you using?
  2. Can you share your configuration?
  3. Do you see any errors or warnings in the logs?

Let us know!

Hi @carly.richmond

2.sudo docker run -d --restart unless-stopped --name elasticsearch --net elastic -p 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300 -it
sudo docker run -d -it --restart unless-stopped --name kibana --net elastic -p 80:5601 errors

@carly.richmond after this we will launch and setup the fleet server , and install elastic apm, once ,there is no error or restart occurs to container.

we will do patching for our servers , so we use yum update .once the update is completed , the container will restarts , at that time we face this issue elastic was not loading. then we have to recreate from beginning

@carly.richmond is there any update regarding this issue

Hi @devops_yorosis,

To confirm, this forum is best effort help from both Elastic employees and the developer community. It can take time to get an answer, and we advise pinging if you've not received an answer within a couple of working days rather than hours. It is not intended as production support.

We need more information to understand what is going on with your cluster. By:

elastic was not loading

do you mean you are seeing a message such as "Kibana server is not ready"? Or something else? I would recommend following the diagnostic steps here and checking the state using the health API to get more information on the state of your cluster.

Do share the config, log output and health response.

Hope that helps!

Hi @carly.richmond , thanks and yes as you said , once the container is restarted i am getting this message in my console "Kibana server is not ready"?. but the fact was the same message only displaying, So we are again started creating the elastic setup using docker container and setting up the fleet and index configurations every time after patching. we have recreated now and its perfectly working now but again when we update the server . the same problem persist , that's why i am here. currently i am unable to share the logs because it is doing good .coming to my query is this the only way to recreate the setup every time? when we do patching

How are you persisting the volume used by the container? I do not see any mount parameter in your docker command.

You need to persist the volume of the container or it will create a new volume each time it is restarted and you will need to configure everything again.

This seems to be a docker issue, nothing to do with Elasticsearch or Kibana.


@leandrojmp thank you for the solution , it works

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