Need array parameter based url kibana dashboard

HI All,

I have the sample index as below

post doctorindex/_doc
"TABLENAME" : "doctor"
"ID" : "d_1",
"ULIST" : ["C*","AB"]

post doctorindex/_doc
"TABLENAME" : "doctor"
"ID" : "d_2",
"ULIST" : ["A","AB*"]

post doctorindex/_doc
"TABLENAME" : "doctor"
"ID" : "d_3",
"ULIST" : ["A","AB*","GH","BH","NG"]

I created the Dashboard based on given index,
Now i need to filter the data in dashboard based on user ulist.(at the time of login)
i will pass the ulist from web application/.net application as "A","NG" to the dashboard URL,if iany one matches then that data only need to display to user.

So how can i pass this as parameter to the URL?

I don't think you can. But that's not the right way to handle security IMO.
Instead you should use RBAC.

An old blog post describes it:

HI ,

I can write same in Elasticsearch query

GET /doctorindex/_search

"query" :{
    "bool" :{
        "filter" : [
                "terms": {
                      "ULIST.keyword" :["A","AB*"]

It is giving output,but ULIST is dynamic based on user,So i need to send this as parameter in URL to filter the data when user logged in.

I don't think you can.

Is there any way to get this solution using POST method ?

I don't understand. What do you mean by POST method? To which service do you want to POST? Kibana? Elasticsearch?