Need Assistance with Displaying Current Rate Metric in Kibana

I'm using Elasticsearch 8.6 and I've set up a line chart showing the sum of picked items (sum(quantity)) in a project. I've adjusted the chart to display hourly rates, even though Kibana dynamically changes the interval based on the chosen timeframe. I'd like to add another metric to this chart that displays the current rate, which corresponds to the last summed value on the line chart (see the picture below: I want to configure the Gauge to show the last picking rate marked in the linechart). However, I'm struggling to find the right setting in the metrics visualization, such as Goal or Gauge. Can anyone assist me with this?

Hello @Behnam.R,

I don’t know if I understood the question but you can definitely use a sum aggregation for the gauge metric.

Thanks for the response @Priscilla_Parodi. I aim to have the Gauge reflect the latest picking rate highlighted on the line chart. in Lens it is possible to select the normalizing option:

I want to do the same in the Gauge to normalize the sum aggregation.

@Behnam.R, thanks for the info.

You can do this with Lens... same way but save it to the dashboard.

You open the Dashboard, select the Metrics/ Goal/ Gauge visualization, and click 'Edit Lens', then you edit there (Lens) and save it with the changes.

If you don't see 'Edit Lens', you can click on 'Edit visualization' and then you will find it at the top of the page.

@Priscilla_Parodi, does Lens support the speedometer gauge in higher versions? I only see the horizontal and vertical gauge options in my version (8.6.1). These options are also listed under technical preview and have some issues, especially bad render for the segments value and too much blank space on the left side when saved to the dashboard:

About the issue, there are some conversations about this:

Note: yes, it is in technical preview.

I don't think we are planning to add full/half circles in Lens.

Depending on the use case you can also consider the metrics visualization.

Another option is to perform a date range aggregation with the timestamp field.

Thank you very much. It appears that this method, i.e., using (now-10m) to adjust the time range and then multiplying the sum value by 6 in the JSON input, may be the only option for me to calculate the current hourly rate and show it in a speedometer

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