Need help in installing ElasticSearch Cluster on Ambari(Hortonworks)

Hi Team,

I am finding difficulty in installing ElasticSearch Cluster on Ambari as a Service .Can you please let me know any good link or reference?


Several people have asked this before but judging by the silence it seems nobody else here has tried it. If you ask a concrete question about the problems you're having you might be able to get help also from people who don't know Ambari.

Thanks for the quick response Magnus. when I am trying to create a cluster setup the master server is failing but the slaves are installing and running fine. Not sure why the master is failing I am trying to follow the below steps:

Not sure is it because of old version plugin ambari-elasticsearch-plugin(1.7.1).?

Thanks, DP

when I am trying to create a cluster setup the master server is failing but the slaves are installing and running fine.

Failing how? Please supply logs.

Not sure why the master is failing I am trying to follow the below steps:
GitHub - Symantec/ambari-elasticsearch-service
Not sure is it because of old version plugin ambari-elasticsearch-plugin(1.7.1).?

The plugin requires ES 1.7.1. Is that what you're running?