Nested/hierarchical Elasticsearch query syntax?

Hey there,

I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around Elasticsearch search syntax in Kibana.

I have created this filter that works:

  "query": {
    "bool": {
      "should": [
          "match": {
            "flow.src_addr": ""
          "match": {
            "flow.dst_addr": ""
          "match": {
            "flow.src_addr": ""
          "match": {
            "flow.dst_addr": ""

What I'm trying to do is simplify that syntax to the Elasticsearch equivalent of something along the lines of:

((flow.dst_addr OR flow.src_addr) AND ( OR OR OR OR ... etc))

Is that possible?

Assuming you IP fields are mapped as type ip, you should be able to use a term query to do what you are looking for.

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