Newbie problems with type


We're starting to use Kibana to visualice a log data like...
[PRI]2017-10-03 23:52:14 T2: FPS STATS COV : E=19/M=5923/A=0 (AbdFPS,fpsCbTimerVaciado.c,83)

We're tryng to visualize E=10/M=5923/A=0,
Using filebeat we convert the data to Json

{"@timestamp":"2017-10-03T23:50:15.000Z","EMP":"BAL","INST":"PRI","TIPO":"T2","MSG":"FPS STATS COV : E=0/M=946/A=0 ","MOD":"AbdFPS","FNT":"fpsCbTimerVaciado.c","LIN":"83","ID1":19,"ID2":5923,"ID3":0,"STR1":"","STR2":"","STR3":""}

In the fields ID1, ID2 E ID3 is where will be the data of the logs. We can use it in Kibana but the ID1, ID2 and ID3 are STRING and it must be INTEGER. How to change it? Maybe documentation we must read? :wink:


That is most likely a problem from the mapping. You can change the mapping and then reindex your data so that it will have the proper type in Kibana. Also if you want to set specific field types at ingest and and process data, you are going to have to pipe the data from Filebeat to Logstash before sending it to Elasticsearch.

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