Newbie Question - How to upgrade ElasticSearch from 0.19 to 2.2?


My server is in a jelastic cloud. I installed elasticsearch in a Tomcat 7 + Maven 3 throw an war file following the tutorial disponible in Jelastic Blog.

Now the elasticsearch is and its up and running, but the tutorial I followed installed elasticsearch 0.19.3.
Now we are in 2.2.0.

How can I update to the newest version?
There are no clusters (I think), because I didn't make a test yet.

I'm really really new to this and just making tests in this platform. I need a very beginners guide.

Yikes that tutorial is old! If you don't have any data I'd just remove the old packages and install the new ones that you can get from Register a snapshot repository | Elasticsearch Guide [8.11] | Elastic

Normally you have to make a stop off at every major version but if you don't have data then it doesn't matter.

Heed the warning at the top about it being updated for 2.x now. I suspect most of those updates are done but some things may be left over.