No JVMs were found APM

Perhaps this?

And / Or are you adding the correct modules to collect the JVM Metrics?

  • opentelemetry-java-contrib: Provides helpful libraries and standalone OpenTelemetry-based utilities that don’t fit the express scope of the OpenTelemetry Java or Java Instrumentation projects. For example, JMX metric gathering.

I am running 8.4.3 and do not see JVM but I have not added the contrib JMX so I am a little confused as well... I will try 8.5.0 and see what I see.... Nope I do not see in 8.5.0 as well...

Perhaps @alexander.wert can help both of us :slight_smile:

Do we need something besides just the base Java OTEL Agent? here

Do we need to run the jmx contrib as a separate process?