Non-Kibana Front End For Graphing Data in Elasticsearch

Hi Everyone,

I love using each part of the ELK stack, however, I need to build dashboards which will be displayed on 60 inch screens that can be viewed from 30+ feet away.

With the current level of font customization, I am running into the issue that I have a beautiful set of bar charts with little teeny-tiny fonts that cannot be read (this is with kibana 5.4).

Is anyone aware of any plugins, settings, or third-party solutions for me to have more "Microsoft Excel" level control of what my visualizations look like? Free solutions would be great, but i am willing to pay for software.



It sounds like you've determined a native (to Kibana) solution may not be possible but I wanted to share that there is an open issue on GitHub.

I am not a Kibana user, but another alternative is Grafana, which can use
Elasticsearch as a data source.

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