Not able to find a way to add event.json in APM serverless Lambda transactions

Kibana version: 8.8.1

Elasticsearch version: 8.8.1

APM Server version: 8.8.1

APM Agent language and version: NodeJs Agent elastic-apm-node": "^3.47.0

Fresh install or upgraded from other version? Upgraded from 7.17 recently

Description of the problem including expected versus actual behavior. Please include screenshots (if relevant):

I am using AWS lambda with Nodejs and serverless - following example here

By following documentations I am able to get basic traces of my functions but I also want to add event body for my transactions at least for errors.

My lambda functions is invoked by SQS message so my transaction type comes as messaging.

Below is my current configuration

    - arn:aws:lambda:ap-south-1:267093732750:layer:elastic-apm-extension-ver-1-4-0-x86_64:1
    - arn:aws:lambda:ap-south-1:267093732750:layer:elastic-apm-node-ver-3-47-0:1
    NODE_OPTIONS: -r elastic-apm-node/start
    ELASTIC_APM_ENVIRONMENT: ${file(../../environment/${self:provider.stage}.yml):ENV}

Although I knew that mostly captureBody wont work with queue message as event, I still tried adding environment variable ELASTIC_APM_CAPTURE_BODY: transactions but with that my transactions stopped coming to APM with below debug message

    "log.level": "debug",
    "@timestamp": "2023-06-27T11:36:48.222Z",
    "log": {
        "logger": "elastic-apm-node"
    "ecs": {
        "version": "1.6.0"
    "message": "no active transaction found - cannot build new span"

I have checked all other configuration variables but I am not able to find any suitable config to add event.json for my lambda function.

Any help is appreciated :slight_smile:

Hello again, @Kesha_Shah.

Really? I hope that adding ELASTIC_APM_CAPTURE_BODY: transactions does not cause a change in whether there is an active transaction! That no active transaction found - cannot build new span message happens when there is an attempt to create a tracing "span" (either in auto-instrumentations or by explicitly calling the startSpan API) but there is no "current transaction".

To make sure I understand, you want some (or all) of the Lambda SQS event data to be added to the APM transaction so it is stored in Elasticsearch? If so, you should be able to use apm.setCustomContext() to add unindexed data to a transaction, or one of the API methods to add labels which are indexed. If you do use labels, please note the warnings about possible mapping explosions if you have too many labels -- see Metadata | APM User Guide [8.11] | Elastic.

Hi @trentm

This might be a little long message!

I am getting very flaky behavior with APM for my serverless node js application which created more confusion in understanding of its working. Will try to mention one by one point here with my observations.

  1. no active transaction found - cannot build new span - For the same code deployment hardly couple of times APM was able to create transaction and rest it gave us this debug message. When I compared both logs (Created transactions vs no active transaction) I found out that there is only one change in log which is "message": "shimming handler@14.21.3 module", If I get this module in log then it will create transaction otherwise it will not. I have tried to trigger lambda from SQS message also I tried sending "Test Event" from AWS lambda UI but for both only couple of times it worked and rest it didn't work (No Transactions created and was not able to see lambda listed in APM)

  2. APM Agent configuration coming in logs - I have followed exact documentation and also referred sample but in my case for below configuration its not picking up serverUrl properly.

    Department: product
    Purpose: production
    Environment: ${opt:stage,'local'}
  name: aws
  stage: ${opt:stage,'local'}
  runtime: nodejs14.x
  region: ap-south-1
  lambdaHashingVersion: 20201221
  memorySize: 512
    - Effect: Allow
        - lambda:InvokeFunction
      Resource: arn:aws:lambda:*:*:function:${self:custom.prefix}-worker
    - Effect: Allow
        - sqs:DeleteMessage
        - sqs:ReceiveMessage
      Resource: arn:aws:sqs:*:*:${self:custom.prefix}-queue
    - arn:aws:lambda:ap-south-1:<account_id>:layer:elastic-apm-extension-ver-1-4-0-x86_64:1
    - arn:aws:lambda:ap-south-1:<account_id>:layer:elastic-apm-node-ver-3-47-0:1
    NODE_OPTIONS: -r elastic-apm-node/start
    ELASTIC_APM_LAMBDA_APM_SERVER: <cloud_server_url>
    ELASTIC_APM_SECRET_TOKEN: <secret_token>

This is printed configuration in logs :

    "log.level": "info",
    "@timestamp": "2023-06-28T10:45:55.693Z",
    "log": {
        "logger": "elastic-apm-node"
    "agentVersion": "3.47.0",
    "env": {
        "pid": 17,
        "proctitle": "/var/lang/bin/node",
        "os": "linux 4.14.255-311-248.529.amzn2.x86_64",
        "arch": "x64",
        "host": "",
        "timezone": "UTC+00",
        "runtime": "Node.js v14.21.3"
    "config": {
        "serviceName": {
            "source": "default",
            "value": "qa-daily-report-worker",
            "commonName": "service_name"
        "serviceVersion": {
            "source": "default",
            "value": "47",
            "commonName": "service_version"
        "serverUrl": {
            "source": "default",
            "value": "",
            "commonName": "server_url"
        "logLevel": {
            "source": "environment",
            "value": "debug",
            "commonName": "log_level"
        "environment": {
            "source": "environment",
            "value": "qa"
        "secretToken": {
            "source": "environment",
            "value": "[REDACTED]",
            "commonName": "secret_token"
    "activationMethod": "aws-lambda-layer",
    "ecs": {
        "version": "1.6.0"
    "message": "Elastic APM Node.js Agent v3.47.0"

if you see serverUrl here is ( even though I added elastic cloud APM Url. If I add additional environment variable ELASTIC_APM_SERVER_URL with my APM url then it shows up correctly in log. So do I need to add both environment variables (ELASTIC_APM_SERVER_URL ,ELASTIC_APM_LAMBDA_APM_SERVER) to setup correct APM?
If I remove ELASTIC_APM_LAMBDA_APM_SERVER and just keep ELASTIC_APM_SERVER_URL then it gives error that Server Url can not be empty.

  1. As per your last suggestion I want to add customContext to capture events for each lambda invocations, but since we have added elastic-node-apm dependency as layer in serverless.yml I cant use that dependency directly in my handler code, so to do that I need to add "elastic-apm-node": "^3.47.0" in my package.json is it correct way to configure? Also since my serverless take care of starting APM agent I think I just need to retrieve APM agent and use it to set customContext as below.
export const dailyReport = async (event, context, callback) => {
  try {
     const apm = require('elastic-apm-node');     
    // More code ...
    return {
      statusCode: 200,
      body: 'ok'
  } catch (err) {
    logger.error({message: err.message, stack: err.stack});

Since my APM is not creating transactions most of the times I am not able test my above code. So just confirming if its the right way to set context.

Let me know if I need to provide more logs :slight_smile:

Thank you for your patience for reading such a long message!

The shimming handler@14.21.3 module is saying that the APM agent successfully found and is instrumenting your Lambda handler. The default Lambda function handler value is index.handler, which is where the "handler" in that message is coming from. I am guessing that the "version" in your package.json is "14.21.3".

We need to figure out why, in some cases, you do not get that message. There must be something different in those cases. Can you think of any possible differences in those deployments?

  • If you could dump the contents of process.env in your handler function, that would help. I'm interested in AWS_LAMBDA_FUNCTION_NAME, _HANDLER, and LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT.
  • If you look at your Lambda function in the AWS Console, what files are in your function and what is your "Handler" value (in the "Code properties" section):

Seeing serverUrl: there is correct. What is actually happening is that:

  • the APM agent running in your application is talking to, and
  • the elastic-apm-extension-ver-1-4-0-x86_64 layer is running an extension that is listening at that address. It is the extension that eventually sends out the tracing data. The extension uses the ELASTIC_APM_LAMBDA_APM_SERVER value.

That's right. The aws:...:layer:elastic-apm-node-ver-3-47-0:1 Lambda layer is providing the elastic-apm-node Node.js package and putting it on your node import path. So your doing const apm = require('elastic-apm-node'); is correct.

Setting ELASTIC_APM_LOG_LEVEL=trace might help. It'll produce a lot of output.

Hi @trentm This issue is fixed. From log analysis we figured out that _handler was set to Lumigo Tracer as we are currently using Lumigo for lambda tracing. We disabled Lumigo and apm traces started coming in.

But we found few more issues with our express app regarding transaction and logging, I have created discussion here.

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