Not able to setup Coordinator node on my cluster

I am having an 8 node cluster with 3 master nodes and rest data nodes. I want to connect Kibana with this cluster and so I am following an example to create a coordinator node on the kibana machine.

There are a few points I am confused about:

1: [] Should this array also contain the IP of my Coordinating node on all the nodes?

2: If I am keeping the above on, should the coordinator node also contain the above property? Otherwise how is it going to detect the cluster?

With the above setting I am getting:

[NVMBD2BFM90V03] failed to send join request to master [{NVMBD2BFL90V01}{IlfzRrSHQCmHL3H3dN3vtQ}{lthHFbdqQ82Nv6goa8H9YQ}{}{}], reason [RemoteTransportException[[NVMBD2BFL90V01][][internal:discovery/zen/join]]; nested: ConnectTransportException[[NVMBD2BFM90V03][] connect_timeout[30s]]; nested: IOException[Connection refused:]; nested: IOException[Connection refused]; ]

I am able to telnet the above node from the coordinating node.

What do I miss here?

What is the minimal setting to get my coordinating node up and running?

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