Not able to view the index in elastic search and kibana


I am trying to import the s3 data from aws to logstash. However, when i look at elastic search/kibana i am not able to find the index. Below is my configuration details of logstash:

input {
s3 {
"access_key_id" => ""
"secret_access_key" => "
"region" => "eu-central-1"
"bucket" => "logstash"
"prefix" => "Logs"
"interval" => "10"
"additional_settings" => {
"force_path_style" => true
"follow_redirects" => false

output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["http://******:9200"]
index => "logs-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"
#user => "elastic"
#password => "changeme"

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