Number is being changed

Hello! I'm having some problems with large numbers in my database. They're large, but well within the limit for the long type. Here's a simple example that shows it 100% of the time:

POST numbertest/bleh/
  "bleh" : -31112115595161611

GET numbertest/_search
  "query": {
    "match_all": {}

Returns (in Kibana):

"_source": {
          "bleh": -31112115595161612

My -31112115595161611 is changing to -31112115595161612. Any ideas?

Trying some more things, -31112115595161613 gives -31112115595161612 and -31112115595161614 gives -31112115595161616.

Edit: I let ES create the mapping, and it assigned the value to the 'long' data type.

Thank you!

What is the Elasticsearch version?

Hi Thiago. Version 5.3.

Can you try retrieving the docs via curl and check if the problem persists? For instance:

$ curl http://<address>/numbertest/_search?pretty

I get the correct number when using curl (so I assume my application will as well). Am I correct in thinking this might be a bug with Kibana or my browser? Thank you for the suggestion!

It's a bug in Kibana

Ah, thank you!

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