On-premise pricing?

Hi @johber Welcome to the community!

Please review this...

But yes in general running an eCommerce search using the Elasticsearch Basic license is allowed and exactly what Elastic wants to provide to the community. The license is very permissive with just a few restrictions.

From the link and you should read it, but here is the summary.

Can you summarize what is allowed with the Elastic License 2.0?

The Elastic License 2.0 applies to our distribution and the source code of all of the free and paid features of Elasticsearch and Kibana. Our goal with ELv2 is to be as permissive as possible, while protecting against abuse. The license allows the free right to use, modify, create derivative works, and redistribute, with three simple limitations:

  • You may not provide the products to others as a managed service
  • You may not circumvent the license key functionality or remove/obscure features protected by license keys
  • You may not remove or obscure any licensing, copyright, or other notices

We tried to minimize the limitations just to those that protect our products and brand from abuse.