One Kibana Instance For Multiple ES Clusters


I wanted to know if it would be possible to connect a single kibana 7.2.0 service to two different Elasticsearch clusters. The Elasticsearch clusters would not be replicated or connected to each other in any way.

Thank you,

The only option I know of is cross cluster search, but that requires connections between the clusters.


Thank you for your response. Just for my understanding, why would this be the case? In a tool like Grafana for example, I can put in as many Elasticsearch endpoints as I want, regardless of what cluster it is connected to.

Thank you,

Kibana does as far as I know not support that.

Ah. I think that was my confusion. I thought, as of Kibana 7.0, you could add multiple elasticsearch hosts. I know prior to 7.0, kibana did not support multiple elasticsearch hosts.

It is still multiple hosts within a single cluster. It does remove the need for a local coordinating node though.

Got it. Thank you very much for your help.

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